Hannah Lowe talks about how we should seek not only the will of God, rather we should seek to be a part of the plan of God. Whatever we do, is it towards the temple-building, that is, the bride of Christ or the church? She talks about how the high priest Joshua in Zechariah 3 was a part of the plan of God. The woman in Revelation 12 is also a picture of the whole plan of God. May we understand that the most important thing on earth is the plan of God. This was spoken in a meeting with others in Bogotá, Colombia, on May 28, 1976.
Are You Building the Temple? (part 1)
Are you Building the Temple? (part 2)
Hannah's Prayer for Grace for Us
…That the high priest needed the cleansing, the rebuking of the things that would have … that Satan would have taken him over. “The Lord rebuke you, Satan!”
Because that’s the time Satan said, “Well, he’s guilty of this,” wherever he is, high priest or whatever he is, the high priest that takes the feelings and pleads for the people. He couldn’t do that any longer, because he was found guilty, and he needed a high priest. And the Lord did that for him. It’s something, isn’t it?
The high priest showing to you—what do you call it—[the fall of the elect]. As Hebrews points out (the writer to the Hebrews), saying that every high priest that went in had to first be cleansed himself. Because if he starts… That leads you into many things. If the leaders of the people were in sin or off the track or somehow cannot do that any longer, Satan is right there to resist them; he really leads you into deeper things. Say somebody takes it on himself to say he was going to set himself up as a leader or whatever, and he’s got all this background of filth.
But the whole… I mean you just get into that and you see that the whole thing that he would have gone on with would never be pure because Satan was there accusing. Watch what Satan would do. It goes back to “If we confess our sins, that He, Jesus, is faithful and just and will forgive us.”
There you have the whole thing straight, if you are talking to anybody about that and praying with them or something and telling them about the accuser of the brethren that has, as it were, their number and is accusing them. And then he is the abogado (the lawyer).
We have a what? An advocate, Jesus Christ, the righteous. And there it is in Joshua, in the Old Testament. We have an advocate, Jesus Christ, the righteous, that just went right to work on it and got them cleaned up, so that he could go on with the plan of God, whatever part he had, he got clean.
Doesn’t it say too “Put a fair mitre on his head”? [AB: I think that was the first thing he did; he got the dirty garments off.] It was a fair mitre.
So then he got six crowns, wasn’t it? I got it, whatever it was, six [?] “Take of them of the captivity…” Where is it? [AB: It says, “Take silver and gold, and make crowns.”] It doesn’t say how many. I was thinking of the sixth chapter: the symbolic crowning of Joshua. That was the headline—head of the topic there. And it’s so wonderful that he got a crowning after he had the fair mitre put on his head.
Then on the earth… That’s right, that’s the heavens, and this is what really happened on earth. I think that’s just terrific. On earth, materially, this was happening. And the heaven, there was a fair mitre and the strength to do the rest of God’s will and cleanliness that you would have had to have. And then the temple, that had to be clean, that he could lay these crowns that were pure, the fair mitre into… in the temple. But take it in the plan. It’s so good to get out of just personages and people, though they have to have a name.
But on the other hand, when you figure it’s the plan of God that counts, all the time, it’s how much you’re in the plan of God. And not how much you just say, “Oh Lord, let me do thy will,” or the same thing. Only it’s different that you just feel like it’s the will of God.
But when you know that it’s absolute… when you talk about the plan of God, it’s an absolute necessity, that you be in that plan. It’s nothing “Let me do your will today” or something. What is it doing to forward the plan of God? What part does it do in the temple? What are you doing toward the temple building?
And when you get straightened out, like he got straightened out with those filthy garments, then he could continue the work in the temple-building, building the temple. And even though it wasn’t to come to pass at that time, it was laid there for the time that would come. It was a memorial.
But this is really blessed to me; I don’t know how you all think about it. It’s so blessed to me. And I have been like inside working, while others always used to laugh, “Or you’re [?]” or something. But this is even more to me, like on this part, that is…
The necessity is that whatever you do, it’s not just the will of God for you that day, but it has to be toward the temple-building, the bride of Christ, or the church or the [?]. The body of Christ, the bride, the church. And that means plenty more when you realize that, than just doing the will of God for today. Does it to you? It does for me. It’s a whole different story. Praise God.
It’s so good that he pulls back the curtain and lets you see what happened about Job, and then what happened about Joshua, that the contest in heaven: that’s what brings me to the woman. I’ve been on that woman so much. “And brought forth the man-child.” And you just can’t just inject your “Who’s all this?” and your [mind] gatherings. Then you got some flesh, you don’t know yourself what you got. But the heavens are that she’s there and the great red dragon. This is heaven’s scene.
The woman with the son, heaven. And earth and stars, and then the stars he’s pulling down. And then on earth, because she’s on earth because the dragon… What does it say: “doused out the water, and the earth made a hole.” It was earth—that’s earth—heaven and earth, it seemed. But materially what happened? The woman fleeing from place to place.
Also, she got wings to lift her out of the whole thing. The woman was given wings. What first, before he doused out the water? He doused out a river. [AB: First she got the wings and went to the wilderness, where she was fed for a certain number of days. And the dragon went after her and sent a flood. The earth fell through and swallowed up the flood.]
She was fed. We don’t know how many years she was fed—that was 1,260 days—is that right? Anyhow, she’s out there for three and a half years. The floods go out, I mean, the earth opened. Yeah, she’s given wings.
[JN: These are the two different scenes. The first scene, the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there. Then the second one, a thousand two hundred and three score days. And the second one, it says, “And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” (Revelation 12:14-16)]Joshua seems to have in him materially what that means. He was going right on with the plan of God, as far as we can understand. And she too. The whole plan of God. That is the most important of anything on earth, or in heaven or anything—it’s the plan of God. Not like “I’m going to do the will of God.” Well, of course, that certainly puts you in the plan of God. But it’s so much different that you’re in the plan. In a sense, the will and the plan would be the same, wouldn’t it? It means more to know that you’re a part… It means more important than to just say, “I’m doing the will of God.” But the plan of God makes the whole thing definitely important, and that you’re important in that plan, that you’re working right in it.
[AB: The main thing that occurs to me is that without a vision, the people perish. Because if you just take it on the level of the natural, of just doing this, or of teaching a few English classes or trying to keep a few little errands tended to or something like that, it’s all so pointless, so what? In any light, no matter who’s it is, whether it’s the president of a nation.]Yeah, I was going to say: or take it higher.
[AB: Any… no matter who’s place it is—what is it anyway? Because you look again a few years later, you know, in his day, every breath that Lyndon Johnson took, the papers were there, when he pulled out his shirt to show us his scar on his stomach and all of that. Whenever anything would happen, they would follow him. Or pulled his dog’s ears, or sped at 80 miles an hour driving down to Texas, whatever… Every little thing, and then so what? It all already is a memory and in a few years, people will say, “LB-who?” And no matter what human life you take, it’s part of the whole nothing. I mean, all of it adds up to a lot of nothing. But then, seeing from God’s perspective, what God is doing with some nothings. Because he’s taking some nothings and doing something with them, for His plan, for His purpose. And you don’t see it in the terms of….[AB: And that’s of course what the whole thing was with the restoration of the temple. The thought was “Are you so foolish that to think that these little stones that you are putting together are ever going to amount to anything? Well, a fox could knock it over. Are you so foolish as to think that what you’re bothering with amounts to anything at all? They didn’t pay any attention to it, they just went right on. Because they knew what they were about.] The plan.[AB: That is so different to see it from God’s point of view, to know that it’s God’s… that God is… Behind that also is the challenge to God. After all, God is certainly so limited or not so this, that or the other. Because if you were really all that concerned….[AB: Why would God bother about Jerusalem—there are plenty of other cities? Why bother with Jerusalem? Another one can turn up. Pick another one. But God set his love upon Jerusalem. Just think of that: why didn’t God choose another city than Jerusalem once they failed? But the gifts and callings of God are without repentance. “The purposes of God stand sure, having this seal that the Lord knows them that are his. And let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity” (2 Timothy 2:19).]Well, the thing is… see how insignificant everything is, all the rolling around, in comparison. Of course, there has to be all of those things, the “Come and move toward the final end.” Everything is moving and circling and in action, and whatever it is, to bring about His ends, finally. No matter what it looks like, His ends will be brought forth, and everything is in moving activity.
Well, the sun shines, the tides go and… All of that, and they would have no part in themselves, only to bring about the whole final of what He has planned before the foundation of the world.
So there’s why that was so important when the woman—was it Jochebed, who’s his mother and father? [man: Amram, Jochebed.] Um-hmm. And they could save that child and did it by faith, because I think he was three months old, when they put him out. I think the word says he was three months old. And they put him out there, right in the face of the king’s own daughter, right where she went to bathe with her handmaids or what. And then she could hear the crying. And she said, “That’s one of the Israelites crying.” I think she said I haven’t heard that rightly. And she says…
[AB: It says in Hebrews, by the way, the three months. “By faith Moses, when he was born, was hid three months of his parents. (Hebrews 11:23a). So those three months were by faith. It wasn’t just the putting out. It wasn’t just the bulrushes scene.] No, it was before that. [AB: It was the hiding. By faith, he was hid for three months by his parents.]And then they couldn’t take it any longer, because that would be right in the home, he would cry or something. And then they made that little ark for him and put him right out, right in the face of defeat and the killing. Who would take the baby and put him right at the king’s, with the palace there, right outside in the bulrushes, where they were?
And there she… I think she said, “The crying,” she said, “that’s one of the Hebrews’ children, and bring him out.” And then, the mother, who by faith, had put Myriam there, watching to see who got him, and then also to offer a nurse.
“Wouldn’t you like somebody to feed him?”
“Yes, I would and take him home.”
I think he probably went home… she, the mother, took him home at first, didn’t she? Anyhow, it was all just sovereignty, just pouring and pouring and pouring. But by faith, the parents did it. So that just isn’t that all of a sudden some faith came into somebody. But they did all that by faith, their actions and their movements were by faith. Beautiful.
Of course, that faith chapter tells you much about how… But all of that, what was done by faith… And the plan of God, because there was the leader in the bulrushes, the leader was right there then, going “waaahh” (crying baby sound). That’s all he could do “waaahh.” [Well, in a kind way,] and Myriam there. Wasn’t that beautiful?
But that. And then they bring it on to Jesus whom the fullness of time came through the woman. And then the angel saw him, Joseph, to take him down and rush. And just think, if he couldn’t have been all that bold, he would have said, “Well, this is a child; Mary’s told me all about it, so why do I have to rush off to Egypt? God has put me right here in Bethlehem, his [origin].”
Well, if you have faith, come out.
So why couldn’t Joseph say something like that? Look, this is a child that was born, why would I have to flee? Who am I such a man to take this babe, it’s everything? And the Lord there had spoken to Mary, said… well, you sang that Magnificat. I don’t know if she sang that before or after. [man: It was after the Lord announced it.] And all of that. That was with the Holy, the shadow of the Almighty over thee and all.
Well, why would anybody have to flee? But the angel told him to flee [with all of that]. But the angel told him to flee. So all this was registering in heaven and on earth. This is so important: the plan of God.
[AB: And the other is an example where a general truth can be used to fight a specific revelation. Anytime you take a general truth… a general truth you can take it for anything you want. A general truth can be used or attacks specific revelation, which requires specific obedience. I understand better in that sense what Oswald Chambers says, “When the Lord speaks to you, don’t consult with flesh and blood.” Which isn’t talking about brethren who are moving on or the moving together in the body of Christ. But to talk over that which God has spoken about and then to get some generalities. And that’s of course what the whole book of Job is—religious generalities that didn’t apply to Job’s situation. They were true. Most of what was said is true, but it didn’t apply.]And then, God told them so. [AB: Plainly.] You haven’t done…. My servant Job shall have to pray for you people.
Oh my God, help us, Lord. Of course, all that is impossible to be in the plan of God, because that’s sovereign. You can will and run and try to bend God’s arm or elbow or what. And it says, “Who art thou, O man, that thou repliest against God? I am the potter, you are the clay.” And all of that you could go into.
In Samaria when that fellow was supposed to be saved [man: Simon] and got baptized in water? And really was asking for the right thing: “Grant that with whoever I do this with….” And the Lord said that he signed this, “This is all for you.” That’s what he is asking. “I’ll pay the price.” Very independent.
And yet, nobody could do this, unless the sovereign will of God was there. So if anybody, as I have said to sinners at times, if you had the slightest twinge that God is saying, well, follow quickly, because you can get left. “And who are you, oh man, and who do you Gentiles think you are?” If he didn’t spare the natural branches, what’s he going to do with you, oh Gentile?
So you have to walk as the Lord wants you to walk. It’s so easy, and yet it’s the most difficult on earth and yet if you’re in God and moving, praise God, it’s all worth it. And it’s like your heart beats. You don’t have to say, “Well, I’m telling you or I’m going to…” or “My heart’s [?]—please take my pulse.” And all this is going on all the time. It’s beautiful. It’s a whole different level.
And as Mina said—she will be on the fifth level selling her washing machines—“We don’t have any elevators or anything, I hope you’ll come. But it’s up to the fifth level.” And you get up there, like that, because you don’t go up steps just like that. They’re all the steps, all the thing of lifting up your feet and going up steps. You know, it’s like a ramp: just go a little; you’ll be fine, they’ll come through, American [emissary]. So we’re going up all this…up grade. The main thing is to be going up grade. Going up grade, and you wait for the elevator. “Now I want to go to the fifth floor.” Oh no, you do it yourself, because it’s easy while you’re doing it. It’s a ramp. [man: Spiritual ramp.] And you’re going up.
“And she was given wings.” [man: I was just looking at the word in Revelation again. And as John said a while back, it’s divided into two parts. The first part where the woman brings forth a child and flees.] That’s heaven. [man: And she’s fed a thousand two hundred three score days. And then there’s a part in between. And then, it takes it up again several verses later “to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent,” and the flood and the earth helping her. And in the middle, between those two parts, I never noticed how wrapped up she is in the plan of God. I know, Hannah, that you always said that you don’t know who the woman is or who this man-child is or whatever it is—she’s bringing forth the plan of God. That much we know.]
She fought for us. She got caught. God and [the basket] she brought him forth, and God called him into heaven.
[man: That’s what you’ve always said. And in between, there’s the part: “There was war in heaven and Michael and his angels fought against the dragon and prevailed not… And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ…. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb…rejoice, ye heavens… and the dragon was cast unto the earth.” All the great thunderings and great events of the plan of God just wrapped in there in between those two parts.]That’s terrific, no?
[DV: And we know that the enemy wants to stop us, he wants to get us down to another level, he wants to do anything that he can to get us to stop building the temple of God, to stop building the body of Christ. And in this all, it is so important that as we have spoken tonight about that added dimension of understanding, it’s not only the will of God, but it’s being part of the plan of God. That God has caught us up into His plan, sovereignly. And we have that so much a part of us that nothing that the enemy does is able to knock us out from that.]But they can’t be just driving the flesh. And you can’t be demanding, like “God, well, do that.” And yet there has to be a strike and calling on God. Here is really a middle… My husband always said that the way is like walking on a tightrope. You find us on a tightrope. And with a tightrope, you have to have balance and equilibrium. Have you ever seen… I don’t know if you have ever seen people on a tightrope.
Just a certain people that feel called to do this. But that is true, not anybody could… you know that it’s one out of I don’t know what that could do that. And then I do know—it’s famous—there was a rope stretched from Guadalupe to Montserrate, and the same man walked it twice, well, within a period of some years apart. Did you know that? From Guadalupe to Montserrate, it was right over there. The same man. Absolute that you’d see there are some that walk over Niagara Falls. It is absolutely [?]…. Then you see people up in high buildings walking from one building to the other.
They are dizzy heights when you start to make your claims, and you got to have up there the grace, the balance, the equilibrium and wisdom and strength, whatever, to get across. And it’s sovereign, if you can make it, to the other people. But you just have to, if you are going on with Him. I know [the Sovereign]… [man: With my hand in the Lord’s.] O Precious Jesus, Take My Hand. Glory to God. Hallelujah. [?] We are all Joshua.
Oh, glorious Father, we thank thee. We praise thee for those heights. Lord, we thank thee for the depths, because it’s the depths that make the heights. And Lord, we know that where we start out when we have started out, and that David said if he would never forget the pit from which he was saved. And he would never forget the mire.
That’s exactly what we came out of, degradation, mire and everything of hell that would have pulled us to the blackest night of despair…pit, oh my Lord.
Father, is there any height as Paul said or depth that could hinder us? No. Neither any of that could hinder us going through with Thee, by Thy grace. And yet thou dost have to see to it that we do have the mercy and grace to attain unto these heights.
Father, we thank thee that we have looked into thy word. This man who… this high priest who we hear very little about, but he was the high priest and he did get dirty, somehow, filthy. Lord, thou didst have the angel there, that did set the fair mitre upon him and the ropa (garments), the clean…. Oh my God, we thank thee. And then to think that we could go on and hear that he got the crowns and could put the… keep right in the plan of God, the whole thing, kept by power divine, oh my Lord. Be with us.
We honestly know, Lord, that we could never do it, we could never make it. I know that I couldn’t. And I said, “Oh, well, you’ve been in the way a long time,” or “You certainly have seen a lifetime—how long have you been here?” My, wonderful those that would think or say, “Well, you’re a saint.” Like Mercedes said, “How can people talk—you have been just this… the saint’s life?” And, Lord, whether people appreciate us or don’t, does it make any difference? The main thing that we’re after is not this or that or the other. But it’s that we are moving on with Thee, up the ramp to certain, the truth of God. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
That’s very good. Praise God. Then you can just remind… It reminds us of “if you confess your sin, I will forgive.” It’s entirely sovereign. Because we can never get forgiven or have anything pardoned. Just say confess, and God’s got to do it. But He hasn’t. Even though you confess it.
And that’s where Paul in Romans says that “not to him that willeth,” or the man who does this, that or the other, because people bring that in to prove predestination. But it just doesn’t go in with that. Like of course they bring in that part that Esau, “Jacob have I loved, but Esau I hated,” so they call that a definite proof that God loved one and hated the other, when… I think I brought that out recently—and somebody said, “I’m glad I understand it better”—that God in his foreknowledge knew that he would be hated because of despising his birthright and selling out for a plate of soup.
Of course, you could bring Judas Iscariot in that too. That he was chosen, he was a disciple, and chosen to be right, but sold it out for the thirty pieces. So it says the man must go, but woe to the one who will do that terrible work, for it’s better that he had never been born. That would be absolutely against him. And we know that that part, just proving predestination, which is greatly used, that people are predestined: “I have to do something.” They can’t get out of it.
We didn’t go into, about the wrench, did we? The 14th verse (Zechariah 6) says that the crown should be to Helem… don’t you know that? It wasn’t that he was expecting especially to explain to him.
[DV: Two olives and oil coming out of them into the candlesticks. And I remember at that time, we were reading the Scriptures.][AB: And Zerubbabel seems to have been at the very head of everything while this was going on. And he was the one to respond—getting to where Dan was, 5:2 of Ezra—to the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, who prophesied when the work had stopped. “Then rose up Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, and Jeshua the son of Jozadak, and began to build the house of God which is at Jerusalem: and with them were the prophets of God helping them.” So he was leader of the group that came back.[AB: So in all of that Zerubbabel would be the….] It says prince of Judah. Oh, did we look in the Bible dictionary? But maybe it could give you more. Because we are looking in a concordance, I gather. [man: Maybe we can find what his name means, too.] Yeah.[man: “And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 21Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 22And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother. 23In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.” [Haggai 2:20-23] And that ends the book of Haggai.] Beautiful, no? [AB: It sounds like he really got through to victory.] Very important person.[man: What is a signet?] A signet ring. The kings would just… Like in Esther’s day, Darius took it off just go like that and stamp it and everything. Send that word out. Nice, no? It’s very practical, right there. Go before some of the people here and say, “What are you from?” You have a stamp pad here? For all that would be worth.Or they shall rejoice and just see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel, with those seven. What are those seven? [AB: The eyes of the Lord.] Um-hmm. They are the eyes of the Lord which run to, right in, well, you could say, right in with the plan of God, just fitting right into everything. The mountainous job or the mountainous thing that was before him or whatever was hindering or what, before him, it would become a plain. Then he tells him about Zerubbabel, and what about it? Then he goes back into the vision again of the olive trees, being the two olive trees, one on the right side…
And I remember when we were on that, those years ago, of the wild olive tree and the good olive tree, that we noted that only in two places in the Bible are olive trees mentioned. And this is one, Revelation is the other. [man: Do you mean Romans?] I mean Romans. Pardon, I’m thinking of the witnesses in Revelation. [AB: Isn’t it called olive trees in Revelation?] I think there is somewhere that says an olive branch. But when you talk about trees, it’s not a branch. Here, in Romans and Revelation.
[DV: In Revelation it says, “And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.” [Revelation 11:3-4]] It’s the same thing that’s here. [AB: There’s only one candlestick here.] In the other, there are two candlesticks. [man: Two branches or two pipes.] “And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side.” (Zechariah 4:3)[AB: Well, certainly the famous verse, “For who has despised this day of small things?” is set in such a way that to underline what we’ve been saying all the way along in studying this book, that what seems to be very insignificant to natural eyes in the eyes of the Lord is extremely… Well, it doesn’t [part words?] because it represents what God is doing. His whole plan is being carried forward by means of, or not just in the midst of, but by means of, the very things that seem so insignificant. And the thing that happened with—again, to turn aside from talking about the olive trees—to Zerubbabel and then say, “Well, who despises the day of small things?” Because there was a time when they were being despised and also they themselves would have been wondering, “What’s the point of it all? I’m starting on doing something that would be more valuable…” to build themselves a foundation. “Why keep up with this?”]Which they did… [AB: exactly] in apathy. This one brought out all that information that was from it. It’s in the Bible that they built houses for themselves. [AB: And why do you think it isn’t turning out? The Lord says, “Why isn’t it turning out for you?” Because of the way you’re doing with me.] [man: My house lies desolate.] [man: They stopped building the temple and they went and built houses for themselves.] [AB: Well, they were stopped. But they wouldn’t have had to have been [?]. But they weren’t stopped until they built their own houses. They were trying to build these roofs, ceilings and whatever, soffits.]
Well, then you can certainly see that this is very important here that it goes through. Say, the three places, and yet Zerubbabel was in it all. It’s a man in God’s hands, and God saw and he revealed in vision to Zechariah to in the sixth verse to tell Zerubbabel thus and so, no? It’s like the message was not for Zechariah, but was to go through to Zerubbabel. So the prophecy, the Lord called Zerubbabel by name and Zechariah would know who he was to give it to—this was the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel.
[DV: It’s so beautiful to see here how the different members of the remnant took their places and moved in their places in God to bring about God’s plan that day. Because you see two prophets who prophesied in the name of the Lord, Zechariah and Haggai, and that was their position, that was their place in God to be prophets, and the Spirit of the Lord was upon them to prophesy to get the people back to the work. And then you see someone like Zerubbabel anointed and chosen of God to head the work and to lay the foundation and then also to finish it.[DV: And then you see Nehemiah and Ezra, who wrote these books, and how the Spirit of God moved on them. And there was the intercession you could say, and they were moved on by God and cried out to God that the temple would be built and that Jerusalem would be built that it would not lie waste. And just the burden that was put upon them, how they carried the burden spiritually. And there was the intercession there to bring forth the plan of God. And then Joshua the high priest: there was the high priest also, ministering before the Lord, and thank God that he was cleansed and also ministering to the people, so that there was the edification and the right connection between the people and God. Again, the sacrifice for their sins and all that was necessary to maintain the right relationship between God and the people.[DV: So that just in that small remnant, there was such a diversity you could say, that it is certainly a type or a shadow of the body of Christ, that how in the body of Christ in the real temple, you could say, that is made up of living stones in which God will dwell by His Spirit, that there are specific places, there are specific functions and positions to be taken, and it’s beautiful, the way that it all fits together, because the different ones took their places, how God was able to move on the earth through the men to bring forth his plan.[DV: And so time and time again in the Old Testament, we see the shadow of what the body of Christ is to be, or what God had in mind in the future. Because you see the example of Daniel and the three Hebrew children there, moving together as members one of another and not just independent. And then here again, you see the same thing, praise God. That’s beautiful.And Nehemiah was doing the gates of the city, to get that first done and Fish Gate and the Dung Gate and the gates, he wasn’t on the temple. [AB: It was already built.] The temple then? That was Ezra. Was Ezra before? [AB: Ezra came first, and then Nehemiah, quite a bit later.] [man: Quite a bit later.] Yeah, it’s later in the Word. We could look. It’s good to figure the difference, what Nehemiah was on and what then Ezra. That was the part that was coming to me. That was the hope, the protection of all the city, because it was in rubble, just debris, the wall. They were, I should have said.
[AB: According to this, 536 B.C. was the return of the first caravan under Zerubbabel and Jeshua. Zerubbabel came at the very, very beginning. It was the first year of Cyrus and an edict for the return of the Jews. And then in 535, the rebuilding of the temple; 534, the opposition of Samaritans; 522, the building stopped by royal decree; 521, Haggai and Zechariah; 520, the building resumed; and 515, the temple was dedicated.] [DV: So that was only one year between when it was stopped, and then Haggai and Zechariah….] [AB: No, they had stopped before that.] [DV: Because, before, somebody had said 16 years.] Yeah.[AB: Yeah, it was. According to this, the opposition of the Samaritans started in 534, and they didn’t start building again until 520. And then Ezra wasn’t commissioned until 458—that was a generation later nearly, for Ezra. And then 444 was the commission of Nehemiah. And the walls were rebuilt, the reading of the Law. Then with Sanballat was 433. The second commission of Nehemiah was 428, that was almost 100 years after the temple was built. And then not too much longer after that was Malachi. So it’s quite a period of time. Zerubbabel, you could say, was the first one to [?].] He had a long life, didn’t he? [AB: We don’t know how long it was, but it wasn’t that long, because they don’t have it here. But after the temple was dedicated, then he kept the Passover, and that was a special Passover.][DV: But it said that he was going to not only…that he laid the foundation stone, but he would also finish it. So that was about a hundred years.] [AB: No, no, no, no. The temple was finished in 515, just twenty years after he returned.] [DV: But wasn’t Ezra…?] [AB: No, I don’t think so, not according to this. Ezra might have had a long life.][man: One thing that is beautiful in this chapter is the combination of the spiritual and the natural, and the way in which the vision is so very important. And the person who doesn’t have the vision despises the day of small things. As someone just mentioned, those people who somehow got stopped and then said, “Well, let’s get on our own houses or something that we can see, something that looks important to us.] Isn’t that something?[man: And it so fits the key, those that had left…] That’s so much flesh [man: …because they haven’t the vision, and therefore all they see are the day of small things, whether they got tired of milking cows or whether they got—I’m not saying that was the right thing or got tired of whatever it was that they were doing and decided what is all this going to avail for? And then went off to build their own ceiled dwelling places and make a little abode for themselves. And we see how this all fits in. And you just realize…. Build a house, build your own, settle down.[man: We should just read verse 1. It says, “And the angel that talked with me came again, and waked me, as a man that is wakened out of his sleep” (Zechariah 4:1). So the wakening up—I’m not familiar enough with this construction to know if it is a special King James construction or whether it’s just present English—but as a man that is wakened out of his sleep, does that mean he was asleep or he wasn’t asleep?] [man: Wasn’t.][man: He was not asleep, but it was as though he were asleep. So, in other words, he was awake, but spiritually he was awakened to see a golden candlestick and golden bowl and the seven lamps, and all of this, it was beautiful. Awakened to see that, and then when he is asking, “What are these?” Then the angels say, “Don’t you know what these are?” He says no, he doesn’t. It’s so unfamiliar to him what it all is. Then the angel brings it all down to the natural, in one sense and says, “Zerubbabel, Zerubbabel, you lay the foundation, you’re going to complete it, no mountain will stand before,” and all of these other things, which are naturally occurring at that time, which are the or at least part of the significance of what he’s seen. The vision, which is glorious in its spiritual state, is very ordinary, at times, in its natural state.][AB: And to go back to what we were on for just a minute. See, Ezra doesn’t appear until chapter 7 of the book of Ezra, in the reign of Artaxerxes. So it’s long after the temple has been rebuilt. And then Nehemiah is upset because the walls are down. But the temple is already there.] [DV: And who’s the king with Nehemiah?] [AB: The king with Nehemiah was—I don’t know that it says, does it?—Artaxerxes, 465. That was 50 years after the temple was dedicated. That he began to reign, it says that he was already reigning. And look, this is in the 20th year of Artaxerxes. That’s right, that ties in at least with their dates. That was 444. So Artaxerxes began in 465 B.C. to reign, and then 20 years later. So that’s 90 years after the edict of the first year of Cyrus, which gave the edict to return to the Jews and to start building the temple, which was after the 70 years of captivity. So you could also say that it wasn’t any quick process.]Thank God they had prophets through that time, isn’t that wonderful? [AB: Well, the prophets were at the beginning, but not through all that time, because it went into sort of…] That’s beautiful, though, that they had prophets. And they could say, “It doesn’t make any difference, let’s go ahead.” Thank God, just the prophecy of God. [DV: Amen. Thus saith of God.]
Just think what their word was. Because anybody would have given up, the king says no. So it’s no, the government. [man: It says they caused them to stop by force of arms.] Yeah. And this man on whom depended so much, that was a prince, a governor: he wasn’t a prophet. He had Zechariah telling him what to do. He started, and he will finish.
This really… you never got this much out of it, did you? It’s beautiful. It is extraordinary to me [AB: very, very special] and enlightening. But all moved by the same Spirit, as Paul said. Now about the spirituals [among them], God gives them severally, as He sees fit. So you didn’t hear this Zerubbabel saying, “Well, because I’m not a prophet, I’m not going to be in it.” “So I’m not about him,” what Zechariah says, you know, just go, “I know what I’m doing anyhow.” It’s fine, but here was a nice prophecy for him: he was going to start, and he is going to finish—the whole big giant mountain that was before him of undertaking will become a plain.
That’s so beautiful. With shoutings of “Grace, grace unto it.” (Zechariah 4:7) My Lord. [AB: Well, it can take the promise of the Messiah, that the Jews would not be wiped out or assimilated. Or the promises made to Abraham. And all that had been given to the prophets. Because this is very near the end of Old Testament prophecy. But not just because of the last of the… the only one after them is Malachi. But not just because it’s near the end of the book, but in time, all of the promises, everything that had been given, all of that could have been wiped out.
[AB: That what they were doing was so critical for salvation history, not just for, you could say, the survival of a particular race so that they kept going or whatever, but salvation depended, for those promises to be fulfilled. For the virgin, for Bethlehem, for this, for that, the other. Every promise of Daniel, all the promises of Isaiah, all the promises or the prophecies in the Psalms, all of those things depended on the continued functioning and existence of the Jews in Jerusalem on that basis. How could Bethlehem ever have been the birthplace of Jesus, if the Jews hadn’t been back in Jerusalem? He could never support them. Even if the Jews, say, had remained intact in Babylon, which would have been a very unlikely prospect, with the pressures for assimilation, there would have been no fulfillment of that, or who knows what else.[AB: And how much hung on their being faithful to what they knew to do, which was to build, in the case of Zerubbabel, it was to build the temple. In the case of Nehemiah, it was to see the walls and the gates put in place. Whatever part they had to play, it was all absolutely vital. It all hung seemingly by such a thread. And when it says, “Grace, grace,” that’s what it was. It was all the promises, what grace was to come, the sovereignty—all of that.]Sovereignty. Grace is something that has to be sovereign. It’s nothing you work for, or did yourself, it could never be. Just the word, the grace of God, sovereignty of God. [AB: You could see how impossible, too, it is to separate the Old from the New Testaments.]
It reminded me just now of yogurt: you have to get the culture, you know, right, and that to just keep on going. That’s why I was thinking of John the Baptist. He was the very first after coming all through that time. Malachi finishes and then the next prophet is John the Baptist. That’s why Jesus could say, of all the prophets, here was the greatest one, because that was in the kingdom, no? In that time, Jesus, he said, there was nothing like him.
Well, here, what is he saying? That he’s fulfilling the crying in the wilderness. “Make straight the paths of the Lord.” So he’s just bringing that culture right on. Right there, just starts right up with it, ends there and starts there. Isn’t that something? And like in the sediment or in the seed of it, the same faith, the same word, and the same repeating of what’s done, behold. Then he said, “I told you I wasn’t he, I’m just the one of a voice, I’m a voice crying in the desert.” Beautiful.
It’s so beautiful, to carry it on and on. It was said in Micah, “Oh Bethlehem, Ephrathah, little place, you little thing, least.”
I remember the first time I preached in Bethlehem and Brother Jameel was my interpreter. And I was saying how beautiful the United States and how wonderful and all that. And there’s not one word in there about the United States. Not one word America. I said, but it does say Bethlehem. And then, oh, they were so happy. (gasp of happy surprise) You could see those women with the things covering over their heads. They wear that kind, like you saw me in that dress, they wear that style. That dibujo [motif?] there means Bethlehem, there in front, it’s embroidered. Isn’t that something? Just think, the virgin, I suppose, wore one of those dresses, of that kind, with all the way from it… same thing.
…figured it all, and the candlesticks. And then the olive trees and then… Same thing in Revelation, you would never think that there would be anything about olive trees there. [man: It says the olive trees that stand before the Lord of the whole earth.] So it gives revelation [that it would be equal].
…just now, you have a tree, it was an apple tree. And then an apple tree comes up over there, but it will never bear fruit unless it’s grafted. It’s wild. It would never bring about a tree that bears fruit, unless it’s grafted with the good one. But it says two trees there, the good olive tree and the wild olive tree. It all came from the olive tree to begin with. But it turns out to be two: the wild olive tree and the good olive tree. So they’re in with the good, and vice versa. There’s much to one as the other. When it comes to the end, as he describes, the Gentiles and the Jews, they have to be grafted, that sap has to go through both.
…extended grace, hallelujah, within our reach, within where we can take hold of it. Father, we ask thee for that grace that’s needed to go through the night, my Lord. The grace, my Lord, great grace, it says, and great grace was upon them all, my Lord. Just think of it, great grace was upon them all. My Lord, just the grace, grace in time, grace that came. And they were there, great grace upon them. Father, we thank thee, we need that grace to oil us, my Lord, to cause us to be lubricated so that there is the every joint, the oil supplying. My Lord, we thank thee that there’s no squeaking, my Lord, or where that joint fits in with the other joint, Father, because it is oiled by that oil of the Holy Spirit. Thy grace is sufficient; the oil, the grace is sufficient.
And the devil there, the demon that was there to torture and torment Paul. And Father, take this away, how he sought the Lord thrice to take that away from me. And You said, My grace is sufficient. Father, for that grace that’s needed that’s sufficient grace. Not just grace, and not extended grace, but sufficient grace. Lord, we praise thee for that grace, grace upon us. Oh God, what it means to have the grace of God upon you.
Oh, my Lord, how it was upon Moses, how it was upon those that looked at Paul and would cry that he would say, “Well, I’ll never see you again.” My Lord, we thank thee for the grace all sufficient, supplied by Jesus. And grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, that grace and truth that came by him and through him, hallelujah, that it is He that supplies. Jesus that supplies that grace, oh glory to God. Father, great grace. And there’s a great grace, sufficient grace. Lord, we thank thee for the great grace that was upon them all, hallelujah. Oh my God, we thank thee that brought about the sufficiency. Glory to thy name.
We pray thee for John, my Lord, as he goes forth, that thou wilt give him grace. My Lord, we know that it’s so hateful that so many times the enemy is so hateful, the demons are so hateful, and Lord, that we think of Jesus that walked three years with that hateful Judas, just to think that he had to walk every day. He taught him, gave him power to cast out demons, what, it just seems all such a fantasy that Jesus, knowing that, would just go right on with it, and know that and didn’t commit himself to any man, because he knew what was in man. Oh Lord, but he was trusting Thee, the author and finisher.
Father, give grace to us. We know that we will certainly be supposed to see them, or know them, as the father said, “Well, I want to be with you and with those with whom you are.” My Lord, we pray thee that thou wilt help him, my Lord, that is so run by not only his own demons, but other demons double duty of them. My Lord, we pray thee that thou wilt have mercy upon him tonight, in Jesus’ name. Hallelujah, as they are ready and packed and ready to go, and how great it is to see our son. Father, we pray thee that thou wilt cause the enemy stoppage and standing back.
Yet, my Lord, that Spirit of God that came down and quickened his body, that he didn’t suffer… was not suffered to see corruption. We thank thee, Lord, that there was nothing that could take away or decay or make him decay. He was that same Spirit, the same body, but raised by the same Spirit. We have that same Spirit that quickens our mortal body. (tongue) We go forward, my God, toward the kingdom tonight, my Lord, say, well, we’re coming to end of our age, yet we are going forward to the eternity, forever and ever, my Lord. With mansions of glory, mansions, hallelujah. And we are waving tonight palms of victory. And we will have crowns of glory, hallelujah, my Lord, only to put them back on thy head, that thou wouldst crown us. We would only give them back to thee and ask thee to accept them, because it was through thy grace that we ever made it, hallelujah. Oh, we thank thee tonight.
Father, we ask that thou wilt watch over us. Lord, thine angel ministry, we thank thee that “Are these not the ministers to those heirs of salvation?” We thank thee, Father, hallelujah. Glory to God, we praise thee, hallelujah. Gracias. Oh, we thank thee, Lord, we praise thee. Hallelujah, glory to God.
Think, that they built up the temple by faith, they built the gates by faith, they had it going by faith, that same background. And as Zerubbabel could lay the foundations with his own hands and finish it. Then let us, Lord, for our lives, the local people here, my Lord, that we can lay foundation and with our own hands and go through with it to the end, hallelujah, by thy grace. Hallelujah, by thy grace. We thank thee tonight, oh glory be to thy precious name. Amen.
And all knowing how his grandfather had failed and yet insisted and persisted, the same way of life, doing the things that he wanted to do, taking the precious vessels, cups to try to show even the disrespect in his great feast. And how many years he went on with the same, knowing that he was based on that which would perish and the loss that would come. But this thing was never done in a corner, there before every one of those words were written, that he was weighed and he had known that before he had been tried, before. But the peak, the climax came when it was not done in a corner.
This thing, as Paul said, was not done in a corner, but written out upon that wall, weighed, weighed, weighed, weighed in the balances, and found wanting. How this will be that each one, in their own way, and then also that even from the housetops will be shouted that which was against me throughout the ages.
And so the end will come to those that have lifted themselves, knowing what they’re doing and using those things in disrespectful ways and mocking my plan. In other words, it wouldn’t just be the cup to the lip, but the mocking, the back of it, reveling, rioting, the tumult, the awful tumult of the enemy stepping in to take over, to take over the kingdom, to take over the palaces, to take over the riches, to take over most of all, the disrespect, that have gone forth against the living God, knowing what is being done, will come in a tumult, those that come to crush and to take out and to wipe out.
An army that comes to take and wipe out while there’s still rioting, while there’s still moving, in their own ways and causing the great feasting and having all of that, that comes up to heaven as a stench in my nostrils, saith the Lord, so this comes up in my nostrils as I will not smell in the feast, I don’t smell in those feasts, I don’t have anything to do with this, it’s of another fire. And so a fire that is kindled, and there are fires of approval, but there are also the fires of disapproval that are kindled so that they must be snuffed out, they must be finished, they must be overwhelmed by that which is right, to start anew, to say to those that are continuing, this is not my way, it must be snuffed out as thou dost know, through my word, how these things came to a head and came to a time when the snuffing out of those lives or that work that they are doing against me shall be finished for that time. And then onto ruin upon ruin upon ruin. (tongue)
So the light still goes, the light still is there to follow. It says that long ere the lights went out in the temple, I spoke to my child Samuel and told him ere the lights go out entirely, there are those that will listen, those that will turn, even as thou dost see it in that comparison that Eli would not hear or just pushed it aside, while the younger one listened and said, “Speak, for thy servant heareth.” And my servant, though child in years and child-like in faith, the first that he knew of how to speak or how to receive from me could give forth that message to the blinded one, not only blinded in flesh, but blinded in spirits, because of the years, the processing of years that was for doom. So the doom of Israel came at that time. And the tumult came, and the noise was heard in the land, the ark had been taken, what a terror, what a horror.
So thou shouldst keep thyself clear, thy garments clear, that there will not have to be the selling out in any way of the things that I have given, and thou hast followed the precious things that need to come to thee and to be held as prizes and light to be given out, that light must be put on a candlestick, that light must be given out, that light must shine, the vision must go forth, so that there are those that can catch fire and with that little feeble ember there, as Paul wrote to Timothy, the embers are there.
But stir them up. Stir up those embers and that that fire and that that light get set on a candlestick and goes forth to those that are with the dimness and blowing upon it and have not the right culture, the right embers, the right fires, so that there will be fire that meets fire, fire that is of my performance, of my ways, of the Spirit of God, so they will catch fire and blaze up. And fire will be fire of the approval of thy God, the fire of approval, is cloven tongues of fire sat upon them, so there shall be fire of my approval, saith the Lord.
Hear ye me, hear ye me, hear ye me. Listen, and I will speak unto thee, even more and more as thou dost rise up to believe that this is thy day and this is the day that I have given thee. Rejoice, for it has come to thee and I have come to the time when thou shalt lift up thine eyes and not only see a harvest field, but see the harvest field being ministered unto, saith thy God. Over, over.
Lord, we pray thee that we might have thy single, Lord, thy grace. That we take thy sickle in hand to go forward to harvest the ripen grain. Oh God, we pray thee, that it will come and be garnered and come into thy winepress and come into thy place of [?], Lord
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