“Furthermore then we beseech you brethren, and exhort you by the Lord Jesus that as ye have received of us, how ye ought to walk and to please God, so ye would abound more and more.” 1 Thessalonians 4:1
How ye ought to walk
The Christian way is not as some seem to think a matter of simply a set of rules, or of books to be learned. The practice of it is not in being adept at memorizing of the letter that in itself killeth, but it is a walk, a way, a manner of living after we have been born again of the Spirit, a something that affects every walk of life and that goes into every action and even deeper the thoughts and motives.
It is truly a walk and practicing a real way. And those who have simply a knowledge in the head of the things of God know nothing of the vital life that may be lived in Christ, Who is the Way.
Another great principle is also in this verse, contained in the words “more and more”. The fleshly man desires, if he desires any religion at all, just enough to get him by, so to speak. And the words more and more bring but rebellion from him. Yet to the children of God the invitation to go deeper, to press on farther and even the knowledge that it is possible to go farther, comes and is received with gladness. One of the joys of the true Christian’s existence is that there is more ground ahead, there is more to be learned. There are heights and depths to be explored in Jesus name.
The Apostle in the beginning had a wonderful experience. And if the ways of some today had been his, he surely would have thought that he had had enough evidence that God was with Him. But as soon as he was able, the principle of more and more began to exercise itself in his life, and we see him going on in the ministry in revelation, in suffering, covering more and more ground both naturally and spiritually. And then we are faced in this matter as in others with the fact of what we will do if we do not obey, for we must do something. If we are dissatisfied with the principle of more and more and are tired by hearing it so much and would like to have a rest from it, what is the alternative?
The alternative is and can only be one thing, the alternative to more and more is less and less. Many do not want to face this fact. And from their unwillingness to face this truth comes much dishonesty and attitude, and sometimes a testifying that they can stand still and never move or recede. This is a condition that we know to be impossible. And the truth is that in the word of God and in the lives of those round about us and in also what we know of our own lives, we must realize that if we are unwilling to have the spirit of more and more worked out within, then we must accept and stumble along in the way of less and less.
And also there will always be more, thank God. But if we follow the way of less and less long enough, we will come to the place—and sooner than we may think—of having nothing at all. We may always yield and always have something else to yield, but if we refuse, we will find that soon we will be in the place that not only all power and possession in Christ has gone, but the very desires for the things we once professed to love has departed.
Let us get into the spirit of more and more and get out into the mighty surge of the love of God, realizing that if we refuse to do so, we will take our places with those who are getting smaller and smaller, hearts hardening, experiences shriveling and their lives generally becoming not only useless but a real hindrance to the work of God. May we be willing to accept—not only in word and in principle—this more and more, but let us put it into practice in our lives. Amen.

Thomas and Hannah Lowe in Colombia
Thomas Ernest Lowe delivered this message to assemblies in Maryland in the early 1930’s before leaving long-term for the mission field in Colombia in 1936.
Mr. Lowe, an able and zealous minister, seeing the great abundance of Gospel opportunity for North Americans and realizing the scarcity of that same opportunity for millions in South America, set out in the 1930’s for Colombia, to survey the spiritual landscape, and was joined there by his wife, Hannah. They worked together until Mr. Lowe, still a relatively young and most vigorous man, died in the capital city of Bogotá in 1941. Mrs. Lowe, vibrant in service to her Lord until her final days, died at Jerusalem in June 1983, having spent a year in the beloved City.
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