“There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him…. And He answered them, saying, ‘…For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.’” Mark 3:31,35
The Lord Jesus had left the narrow life of the carpenter shop. He was brought up and taught obedience there. He lived a life of a carpenter—a very limited sphere of activity, as far as the natural was concerned.
Then there came the time when He stepped out in the focus of God in His ministry to men and women. It was not a gradual revelation. Of course, He did not leap into it. But very soon, He let them know His sphere was a very broad one. Though He taught a way that is narrow, it is not a cramped way.
Jesus did come down very strongly on those that would mix sin and godliness. Those that are in the broad way seem to have more room to move around in. But that is not true. It is broad because so many are going in it, but it does not give the great privilege the narrow way does.
No matter how much culture a person may have, if it is self at the base of it, it is narrow. People get around the world, but come out of it realizing it is vanity and vexation of spirit. Those that are in the broad way think this broad-minded thing (because they let everything go) is a great meadow to jump around in.
Many people’s concerns are about themselves. Some go farther and are concerned about their families. Most everybody is bound by self and family. It is a nice thing in the way I have seen it in some families, but their activity is bound in their own family. They are not selfish with their family.
Some people get a little farther out into social work, church or politics; some like to do something for the Red Cross. But the bottom of the thing is selfishness. Most people don’t see any farther than their own flesh and blood.
Not only did Jesus launch out in a ministry of casting out devils and doing miracles, but He launched out to take in other people.
Here, His people say He is beside Himself. But Jesus, when He did leap, He took a good one. He leaped out in the broadness, and the devil saw Him in it. The devil saw that there was something in Jesus he couldn’t limit, measure or control. When there is nothing for him to catch hold of, he gets stirred. He hasn’t met many since, i.e., those upon whom he cannot lay his hand.
The devil knew that in this was a germ of his defeat. If he couldn’t get Jesus to stop for his sake, he sent His family. The devil laid a card he thought would win.
But Jesus is in a business now that isn’t influenced by blood ties. He had just called the twelve, but He didn’t call one of His brothers. We might be sure this gave them some thought. The enemy thought if he could put the pressure on Him through these tender ties, if He got too far, he would send His mother out and call Him in, but Jesus didn’t come.
He answered, “Who is my father and my mother?” He looked at them in front of Him and said, “You are my mother and my brethren whosoever doeth the will of God.” It was a shock, but that is the way Jesus figured.
There are scriptures that remind us very forceably of our duties to families. But I believe it is also true that members of our families are used to hinder us. I believe there are persons who could be something for God, but, because of the work of a relative, have been hindered.
I think it is safe to take the stand that Jesus took. God doesn’t want us to starve our mothers to death, but God doesn’t want a relative to influence and hinder. Had Jesus gone out and showed Himself subservient to these, then in the future just when He was doing something, one of the brethren would turn up.
Jesus said, “These are tender ties, but I’m not in the carpenter shop.”
The trouble with the devil is he tries to get things out of their place. He drives people into fanaticism by driving them too far. If Satan can’t defeat us as he did in the old days, then don’t let us think he does not have effective cards.
It is God’s plan that every one of us get out of the realm of self, but boil us down, it is self still. Some are willing to die for families, but you put them to the test, you will find self strong still. We have to pass the test with home, and family, and this “whosoever” business.
You understand the idea, but we can’t put the devil to flight with ideas or words. It is amusing—if it were not pathetic—to hear people testify, that shows clearly they have no idea what you were talking about.
This “whosoever” is a great call. Jesus had a couple more words. In Cana many said, “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.”
A man came to Jesus and said, “I will follow you wherever …soever.” If we will minister to whosoever and do whatsoever and follow Him wheresoever. But that is why we are doomed by Satan to empty benches. People won’t take down the bars. Jesus wants to go right through our lives.
There are some people this passage wouldn’t mean much to. They haven’t any close ties. The devil is not particular what he uses.
Jesus wasn’t impolite. He said, “No, I am not coming out these people are my brothers and my sisters now.” There is a kindred spirit with those who are doing the will of God. I believe we feel better with those who are just born again than we do with those who are not.
We can have close fellowship only with people who are on the road as far as you are. If you can have fellowship together in the Holy Ghost, I think you are very much in the same place with God. That kindred spirit is hidden from the world’s eyes.
Much trouble has been caused by people who have no intention of being in a better place than they are. For people to link up with people of that type, it is suicide. Those that are in a lower class can fellowship with those farther on the way if there is yieldedness.
People say, “Why can’t church people stick together?” We can’t do it unless we go on with God.
Some have that boundless something that is looking for new moves all the time. Separations are deplorable but nonetheless they happen. Not only have they happened, but they will happen.
Those outside thought because of their natural hold on Jesus, they could bring Him out. They said, “He is beside Himself.” But He was beyond their appeal.
So we can be, as we get out in the ocean of God’s love. Years ago, we might have done it. But not today, if we are in the whosoever place.
We must not allow anything in our lives to have such a hold on us that in the midst of our work for Jesus, we would have to stop to answer the call. They wanted Nehemiah to stop building the wall, but he kept at it. There may be things in our lives that will call to us, “You are not doing much, come out with me awhile.”
It may have been alright in the carpenter’s shop, but not now. The people of God, who are doing the will of God, are good enough for me.
The milestones in Christian life are definite steps we take. Jesus had just taken a new one.

Thomas and Hannah Lowe in Colombia
Thomas Ernest Lowe delivered this message to assemblies in Maryland in the early 1930’s before leaving long-term for the mission field in Colombia in 1936.
Mr. Lowe, an able and zealous minister, seeing the great abundance of Gospel opportunity for North Americans and realizing the scarcity of that same opportunity for millions in South America, set out in the 1930’s for Colombia, to survey the spiritual landscape, and was joined there by his wife, Hannah. They worked together until Mr. Lowe, still a relatively young and most vigorous man, died in the capital city of Bogotá in 1941. Mrs. Lowe, vibrant in service to her Lord until her final days, died at Jerusalem in June 1983, having spent a year in the beloved City.
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